Biljetter till Yoga Days
Du har ingen egen skidutrustning men vill ändå åka skidor i Gastein? Eller vill du testa de senaste toppmodellerna?
Bespara dig besväret med att släpa runt på skidor, pjäxor och stavar. Sportbutikerna i Gastein är topputrustade och har garanterat rätt utrustning för dig. Prova de senaste modellerna, perfekt vallade och skräddarsydda för dig. Den kompetenta personalen hjälper dig gärna med ditt val. Eller boka din skidutrustning online från ditt eget hem. Snowboardåkare, skidturister och snöskovandrare kan också hyra den kompletta utrustningen.
Top-Rent Angertal is situated exactly at the door to the Gasteiner skiing world, where alpine skiers, cross country skiers, winter walkers and ski tourers meet.
Where hobbyists and professional athletes meet. You are looking for advanced advice or assistance to ascend to the next level in your favourite sport?
Sports shop, rental, depot & service directly at the valley station of the Stubnerkogelbahn in Bad Gastein. Your reliable partner for winter sports.
We rent skis and accessories, whip your boards into shape with cutting-edge WINTERSTEIGER equipment and store your skis and shoes.
For over 50 years, Sport Knauseder in Dorfgastein has been known for its excellent value for money, expert advice and professional service.
Cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, snowboarding or snowshoeing - we have the right equipment for you in our rental shop at the Goldbergbahn valley station.
What makes Intersport Fleiss your best choice in your favourite sport? Decades of experience, passion for movement and a sustainable mindset for the future. Move with us!
Well-stocked sports shop
In the idyllic Dorfgastein, directly at the valley station of the Gipfelbahn - Fulseck, the Team vom Sport Egger awaits you!
Your outfitter for your activity in the Gastein valley!