Fullmoon Dinner

Topics: Wintertime | Gastronomy & wine

Bad Gastein
Mon, 16.12.2024
19:30 o'clock

Additional event days

  • Mon, 13.01.2025 - 19:30 o'clock ICS-Download
  • Tue, 11.02.2025 - 19:30 o'clock ICS-Download
  • Thu, 13.02.2025 - 19:30 o'clock ICS-Download
  • Thu, 13.03.2025 - 19:30 o'clock ICS-Download
  • Sat, 15.03.2025 - 19:30 o'clock ICS-Download
  • Sun, 13.04.2025 - 19:30 o'clock ICS-Download

Fullmoon Dinner

Topics: Wintertime | Gastronomy & wine

Information about the Event:

Haute Cuisine outdoors at 1.590 m in midst the Hohe Tauern National Park, Salzburg County.



Enjoy a 5-course menu including 5 beverages from regional products under the sky and watch the full moon rise above the mountain peaks - illuminating the snow covered valley.


Meeting point: 7:30 pm Valeriehaus, Sportgastein
Start of the Dinner: 8 pm 


€ 135,- per person


Shuttle Service from Mozartplatz or train station Bad Gastein, surcharge € 10,00


Warm clothes like ski suit, cap, gloves and warm winter boots are highly recommended!


Dates 2024/2025:

December 16th
January 13th
February 11rd
February 13th
March 13th
March 15th
April 13th

During bad weather, the Full Moon Dinner will take place the the following day. 


Registration & Information:
Tourist Office Bad Gastein:
badgastein@gastein.com or +43 6432 3393 560


Alpen Restaurant Valeriehaus
Naßfeld 5
5645 Bad Gastein, AT