Mindful winter walk into the Kötschach Valley

Topics: Zima | Wycieczki | Thermen | acitivies | Park narodowy | geführte Wanderungen | Zdrowie | Outdoor

Bad Gastein
wto, 04.03.2025
10:15 o'clock

Mindful winter walk into the Kötschach Valley

Topics: Zima | Wycieczki | Thermen | acitivies | Park narodowy | geführte Wanderungen | Zdrowie | Outdoor

Information about the Event:

On this winter walk with forest health trainer Theresa Sommerbichler, we not only completely relax, but also soak up some fresh mountain air.

With breathing exercises and mindfulness breaks, as well as walking meditations, the walk becomes a relaxing holiday experience away from everyday life.

Optionally, we stop at the cozy Himmelwandhütte.


The walk will not take place on 31.12.2024.

Duration: 2 hours

Meeting point: bus stop Grüner Baum

Miscellaneous: warm and weatherproof hiking clothing, sturdy shoes, gloves and a hood. Participation possible from the age of 12 years when accompanied by a parent.

Participants: min. 2 persons, max. 15 persons

Price with Gastein Card: free of charge
Price without Gastein Card: € 5,00 per person

Registration until Monday, 4 pm

Information and registration:
Tourist office Bad Gastein, T. +43 6432 3393 560

Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Gastein
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 27
5640 Bad Gastein,

Additional event days

wto, 04.03.2025
wto, 11.03.2025
wto, 18.03.2025