Alm:Klassik - Waldgasthof Angertal

Topics: Lato | Koncert

Waldgasthof Angertal/Bad weather in the Kursaal,
Bad Hofgastein
wto, 19.08.2025
11:00 o'clock

Alm:Klassik - Waldgasthof Angertal

Topics: Lato | Koncert

Information about the Event:

People have always sung and yodelled on the alpine pastures of Gastein: Alm:Klassik honours this long tradition of musicality in the mountains.

When classical melodies meet the primal idyll of alpine life, the contrast seems great at first: violin and cowbell, cello and fountain splashing, oboe and Brettljause. Nevertheless, exactly the opposite is the case: the contrasts unite to form a greater whole, are spanned by a wide sky and the feeling of unity and harmony. Nature and culture go hand in hand.  A lukewarm breeze carries the melodies across flower-filled meadows, the chewing cows seem to be just as happy about the chords as the guests. The alp becomes an unforgettable concert hall for classical and folk music.

Klassik:Hotline: Unsure if the concert is indoors or outdoors? Information under +43 6432 33 93 200
Price: Free entrance


Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Hofgastein
Tauernplatz 1
5630 Bad Hofgastein, AT