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Adwent w Bad Hofgastein

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Atmosfera w centrum Bad Hofgastein jest przedświąteczna i świąteczna. Okiennice są świątecznie udekorowane. Pachnie grzanym winem i ponczem. Płonące polana w kominkach zapewniają trochę ciepła i światła. Kolędnicy właśnie ustawiają się w kolejce, uśmiechając się do siebie, a kilka chwil później słychać delikatną kolędę.


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Advent in Bad Hofgastein 2024

town center - Bad Hofgastein
28.11.2025 | 15:00
The town center of Bad Hofgastein, with its pedestrian areas illuminated by Christmas lights, provides the unique setting for festive Advent markets.

Advent in Bad Hofgastein 2024

town center - Bad Hofgastein
29.11.2025 | 15:00
The town center of Bad Hofgastein, with its pedestrian areas illuminated by Christmas lights, provides the unique setting for festive Advent markets.

Advent in Bad Hofgastein 2024

town center - Bad Hofgastein
30.11.2025 | 15:00
The town center of Bad Hofgastein, with its pedestrian areas illuminated by Christmas lights, provides the unique setting for festive Advent markets.

Advent in Bad Hofgastein 2024

town center - Bad Hofgastein
05.12.2025 | 15:00
The town center of Bad Hofgastein, with its pedestrian areas illuminated by Christmas lights, provides the unique setting for festive Advent markets.

Advent in Bad Hofgastein 2024

town center - Bad Hofgastein
06.12.2025 | 15:00
The town center of Bad Hofgastein, with its pedestrian areas illuminated by Christmas lights, provides the unique setting for festive Advent markets.

Advent in Bad Hofgastein 2024

town center - Bad Hofgastein
07.12.2025 | 15:00
The town center of Bad Hofgastein, with its pedestrian areas illuminated by Christmas lights, provides the unique setting for festive Advent markets.

Advent in Bad Hofgastein 2024

town center - Bad Hofgastein
08.12.2025 | 15:00
The town center of Bad Hofgastein, with its pedestrian areas illuminated by Christmas lights, provides the unique setting for festive Advent markets.

Advent in Bad Hofgastein 2024

town center - Bad Hofgastein
12.12.2025 | 15:00
The town center of Bad Hofgastein, with its pedestrian areas illuminated by Christmas lights, provides the unique setting for festive Advent markets.
1 - 8 Events from 13



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Adwent w Bad Gastein