Tickets Yoga Dagen
Long-lasting pain alleviation, an anti-inflammatory effect produced within the body, and a clear reduction in need for medication are the scientifically proven results of the healing gallery therapy.
The success rate is approximately 90%, making the Gastein healing galleries the first choice for natural remedies.
Prophylaxis & stabilization
The globally unique Gastein healing galleries stimulate the body’s own cellular metabolism by the intake of radon through the airways and skin surface.
The DNA repairing ability in the cells is stimulated in natural ways. The body’s own strategies for strengthening and stabilizing the immune system are activated.
The healing gallery therapy offers excellent conditions for maintaining your health and immunoprophylaxis.
Science & research
The effectiveness of the healing gallery therapy has been a subject of scientific research since 1946. In close collaboration with the Gastein research institute of the Paracelsus private medical university in Salzburg, the Gastein healing galleries participate in many carefully conducted scientific studies with reliable results.
For further information: https://www.gasteiner-heilstollen.com/de/