Je evenementenkalender: De topevenementen in Gastein

Het Gasteinertal is bijzonder levendig - talloze evenementen zorgen het hele jaar door voor veel mooie, spannende en ontroerende momenten.

Met de evenementenkalender heb je alle evenementen in beeld en kun je de evenementen kiezen die je zeker in de zomer of winter in Gastein in het Salzburger Land wilt beleven. Misschien de KLASSIK:SOMMER in Bad Hofgastein? Of de yogadagen in de lente of herfst met yogasessies bij de wereldberoemde waterval? Of het bekroonde kunstfestival sommer.frische.kunst in Bad Gastein? De adidas TERREX INFINITE TRAILS is een sportief evenement. Een overzicht van de evenementen in je vakantieweek vind je in het weekprogramma. De keuze is aan jou .

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1549 Events sorted by

Tanz:Fest Gastein 2025 Winter Edition

Bad Hofgastein - Bad Hofgastein
12.03.2025 | 09:00
Gastein dances - also in winter! Skiing, dancing, thermal baths. You will love the winter edition of Tanz:Fest Gastein.

"Der höchste Bauernmarkt der Alpen" Herzwies

Herzwies Felding Stubn, Angertal - Bad Hofgastein
12.03.2025 | 09:00
From 9.30 am to 4 pm you will be able to sample and purchase tasty products from the market stands at the Feldinghütte.

Leichte Skitour auf das Thomaseck

Bad Gastein - Bad Gastein
12.03.2025 | 09:30
Ski tours are becoming increasingly popular. Climbing the mountain under your own power makes the descent a pleasure.

Abheben über Bad Gastein

Stubnerkogel - Bad Gastein
12.03.2025 | 09:30
Just a few steps and you will be able to take off and soar through the air and feel absolutely free.

Besichtigung der Schaubrennerei Durzbauer

Schneebergweg 1 (=Angerweg 39) - Bad Hofgastein
12.03.2025 | 11:00
True to the motto “From fruit to distillate”, at our distillery you will learn all kinds of interesting details about the distilling process.

Geführte Schneeschuhwanderung am Fulseck

Treffpunkt: Skischule Angerer - Dorfgastein
12.03.2025 | 12:45
The Dorfgasteiner local mountain invites you again this year for a guided snowshoe hike.

Winter Waldbaden

Treffpunkt:Skizentrum Angertal, Bushaltestelle - Bad Hofgastein
12.03.2025 | 14:00
Information about the Event:Winter Forest Bathing in Gastein 18.12.2024 - 16.04.2025 - WEDNESDAYDuring this special walk in the fresh air, you will get to know the green giants of the forest in their winter finery.Immers

Geführte Schneeschuhwanderung für Jedermann in der Hirschau

Bad Gastein - Bad Gastein
12.03.2025 | 15:00
Hike together with an experienced guide over a glittering snow cover wihout sinking into the snow.
1 - 8 Events from 1543