Ristoranti e locande a Gastein

Cibo e bevande tengono uniti corpo e anima, come dice il proverbio. Ma nella Valle di Gastein si può anche affermare con sicurezza che la strada per il cuore di un uomo passa attraverso lo stomaco.

L'aria cristallina della Valle di Gastein non solo fa bene alla salute, ma stimola anche l'appetito. È quindi perfetto che le delizie culinarie siano una priorità assoluta a Gastein. Sia dopo un'intensa giornata di escursioni sulle montagne di Gastein, sia dopo un giro in bicicletta nella Valle di Gastein o come coronamento di una giornata di benessere alle terme di Gastein: Divertitevi davvero nei ristoranti e nelle locande di Gastein nel Salisburghese!


Sia che stiate cercando un consiglio per un ristorante di Bad Gastein, sia che vogliate provare il fascino di un'autentica locanda di Gastein: Scoprite un'ampia e colorata varietà di ristoranti e locande a Gastein!

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624 entries sorted by
open today

Griesgasse 10,
5630 Bad Hofgastein
Aktivhotel Gasteiner Einkehr
open today

 Visit our restaurant in the "Aktivhotel Gasteiner Einkehr", located directly at the valley station of the Gipfelbahn-Fulseck in Dorfgastein.

Bergbahnstraße 44,
5632 Dorfgastein
Alis Food Truck
open today

Café / Bar / Shisha

Kurgartenstraße 41,
5630 Bad Hofgastein
Alm Bar in der Gastein Alm
closed today

For an unforgettable day of skiing in the Gastein Valley, a proper stop at the AlmBar is a must. Here, tradition meets modernity, old blends with new, and the music ranges from traditional folk tunes to dance beats. The…

Schlossgasse 1,
5630 Bad Hofgastein
Almgasthof Windischgrätz
open today

Alpine charm with wonderful panorama view! Traditional. Culinary. Cozy. Welcome in our restaurant!

Schachenweg 2,
5640 Bad Gastein
Alpine Joy. Der Postler
open today

A lot is new here and just as much is old. The Restaurant Alte Post becomes the “Postler”. A place of change. With great care. From one generation to the next. Genuine and authentic, just like in real life. Come and…

Kirchplatz 4,
5630 Bad Hofgastein
Angelina's Pizza Piazza & Bellini Bar

Taste the great choice of cool drinks, freshly baked homemade pizzas, lasagne or crispy salads à la Bella Italia in the heart of Bad Gastein.

Karl-Heinrich-Waggerl-Straße 18,
5640 Bad Gastein
Auntie Heidi | Restaurant im Hotel Badeschloss
open today

Our philosophy in the kitchen? Always open to new things, extroverted and full of passion.

Straubingerplatz 4,
5640 Bad Gastein
Auszeit Dinner & Bar
open today

Besides homemade pizzas and our special burgers, we also have a wide selection of salads, noodles and meat dishes. 

Kurpromenade 6,
5630 Bad Hofgastein
open today

Enjoy a cup of coffee or a freshly tapped beer, good wines, drinks created by the chef, pizzas for the small appetite.

Böcksteiner Bundesstraße 40,
5640 Bad Gastein
Bergdestillerie Hauseben
closed today

Enjoyment for all senses. Award-winning brandies and liqueurs, schnapps nature trail, own bacon, bread and cheese.

Hinterschneeberg 20,
5640 Bad Gastein
Berghotel Hauserbauer


Bergl 15,
5632 Dorfgastein
1 - 12 entries von 101