The first path leads to the specialist, in most cases a rheumatologist or an orthopedist. He should issue the application for a cure, since an application for a cure from a specialist increases the chance of approval. So go to the specialist!
Two spa stays can be approved within five years . Under certain conditions, employed persons diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis can be granted one spa treatment per year as a voluntary benefit by the insurance carrier. If the statutory time limits (2 times in 5 years) are not met, your application must contain a well-founded medical justification. In addition, there is still the option of taking advantage of individual outpatient therapies or planning private spa stays.
Scientific information and studies on the effectiveness of the Gastein cure will be gladly sent to kur@gastein.com upon request.
Contractual hospitals for inpatient cures exist in Austria for the Austrian social insurance carriers ÖGK, SVS, PVA, BVAEB and KFA.
Inpatient cures can be approved twice every five years (exception: under certain conditions for Bekhterev's disease once a year, voluntary benefit of the social insurance carrier) and between these inpatient cures also a cure cost subsidy or therapies on prescription for outpatient therapies. This means that the Gastein cures can also be used on an annual basis, which is particularly beneficial to health .
An application for a cure is best issued by a specialist .
There are no direct billing agreements with private insurance companies . However, patients can submit the invoice for the medically prescribed treatments. Depending on the tariff agreements, reimbursement as physical therapy is possible. Since more and more health insurance companies are also focusing on prevention , a spa stay in Gastein is often supported and part of the costs reimbursed.
All medically prescribed treatments and personal contributions paid can be deducted as an "extraordinary burden" in the income tax return or in the employee tax assessment. Accommodation can also be deducted if the accommodation is declared as a spa stay on the invoice.
An essential part of a spa application is the comprehensive medical justification for a spa treatment by a specialist. A first step in the event of a rejection is therefore to check the application for a cure for completeness and, if necessary, to have it supplemented by the specialist.
The specialist can also contact the head physician to clear up any ambiguities. Scientific evidence on the efficacy, effectiveness and cost-benefit ratio of the Gastein cure will be gladly sent to kur@gastein.com upon request.
For private spa guests and those whose spa application has been rejected, there are spa and health packages in Gastein. The advantage here is not only that the date and accommodation are chosen by the guest. It is also possible to combine the effects of the curative procedures with a vacation in the Alps. This makes the vacation not only relaxing, but also regenerative and renewing.
With the packages, therapies, healing treatments and accommodation are booked together. The <link unterkuenfte best-preis kur-gesundheitspartner>Kur- und Gesundheitspartner Gasteins are experts in organizing and handling private cures and are available to provide support in all matters.
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