Every two years , the world's best freeskiers really step on the gas above the roofs of the spa town.
The impressive Red Bull Playstreets Track leads through the unique canyons of houses in the center of Bad Gastein. Freeskiers can let off steam on various rails and jumps and show off their creative and impressive show runs. Heart racing and holding your breath is pre-programmed at this event! There was definitely a lot to see at the past Red Bull Playstreets!
The starting list is top-class every time. The international slopestyle elite comes together every two years in Bad Gastein to compete in front of thousands of spectators.
After a hot contest, the partycontinues for those who want to party. Several DJs will provide the right beats around the track and in the Silver Bullet you can party until the morning hours.
From the start number draw to the side events in the surrounding bars and hotels, the Gastein Valley will be fired up with action for a whole week.
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In February 2023, Red Bull PlayStreets was back in Bad Gastein after a four-year break, and there were no limits to the creativity of the freeskiing elite who came to the newly designed track.
Calibers like the winner of 2019, Nick Goepper (USA), or the Swedish freeski legend Jesper Tjäder (winner 2017, runner-up 2019) had announced themselves. But also top athletes like Max Moffat and Chris McCormick were in the starting blocks.
Female athletes also competed for the first time at Red Bull PlayStreets and showed how far the sport has come in recent years.
Also celebrating his debut was the young freeskier Matêj Švancer from Saalfelden .
From the start number draw to the side events in the surrounding bars and hotels, the Gastein Valley will be fired up with action for a whole week.
For those who can't be at the in-city contest, the slopestyle spectacle can also be seen via livestream.
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