Conscious use of resources

We all have a responsibility in dealing with natural resources. Dorfgasteiner Bergbahnen AG also makes conscious decisions when it comes to acting in an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable manner.

Efficient use of materials

State-of-the-art technology is now used on the Fulseck for intelligent snow depth measurement with GPS data. This saves water and electricity, as only as much snow is produced and applied as is needed for a perfect winter experience.

Choosing the right partners

Dorfgasteiner Bergbahnen AG's cable car and snowmaking systems are powered 100% by green electricity from renewable energy sources supplied by Salzburg AG.

In addition, the speed of the lifts is controlled depending on the number of passengers. This allows energy to be saved when capacity is low.


Slopes become pastures

Together with the landowners, the existing piste areas are also managed in summer. A healthy alpine pasture economy offers guests the luxury of being able to enjoy a variety of local produce directly at the huts in summer.


Acting sustainably together

If you want to travel ecologically, take the train. After all, the largest share of a vacation's CO2 footprint is caused by the journey to and from the destination. Dorfgastein has been connected to the international rail network via the Tauern Railway for more than 100 years. With a high frequency of ski and hiking buses on site, we want to ensure that a car-free vacation is a truly relaxing experience.


Relaxed vacation

Arrival from