The most beautiful via ferratas in Salzburgerland

At the Schlossalm, you'll feel like a chamois perched on the edge of a cliff face.

As a child, was there nothing you loved more than climbing trees, clambering up one branch at a time, getting closer and closer to the top? And today, are you an experienced hiker who'd like to relive some of your childhood memories? If so, we'd suggest giving one of our local via ferrata climbs a go! As you carefully plot the best route, feel the cool rock under your hands and gradually improve the coordination between hands and feet, you'll barely be able to contain the intense joy you feel. Once at the top, you will be so proud. And you'll know immediately, this definitely won't be the last time you take on a via ferrata!

Gastein offers a wide range of activities for mountaineers and climbers on a hiking holiday. You need to be sure of your vertigo, sure-footedness and endurance for the longer tours. A true paradise for all nature lovers with fantastic views of nature and waterfalls. 



You will see: Once you reach the top, you will not only enjoy the magnificent panorama of the Gastein mountains. You will also be really proud to have conquered the secured via ferrata. It will certainly not be the last time, and a hearty reward awaits you in one of the Gastein huts.

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Via Ferratas for Beginners

Not to worry, you don't have to be pro "rock jock" to give a via ferrata a try! At the Schlossalm, there are actually six different via ferrata climbs with a wide range of difficulty. We'd advise you to bring along a mountain guide from the <link en service gastein-from-a-z detail infrastruktur angerer-alpine-and-ski-school-dorfgastein external-link-new-window>Angerer Alpine School, especially if this is your first time on a fixed-cable climb. Plus, they'll be able to supply you with all your equipment needs. You'll learn from an expert how to handle a climbing harness and secure yourself correctly. With all the appropriate preparations made, you'll be ready to do your best impersonation of a mountain goat!

The best thing to do is to contact a mountain guide from the Angerer Alpine School in advance. There you can also rent the necessary climbing equipment. And you will learn how to use the harness and belay on the via ferrata from scratch - from an expert. So nothing stands in the way of a safe "scramble" on a via ferrata in the Salzburg mountains!

Difficulty Ratings

Each of the via ferrata climbs is rated according to difficulty. Based on your experience level, you'll then be able to choose the climb that's ideal for you. A stands for an easy climb, B for moderately difficult, C means difficult, D is very difficult and E is extreme, which means its only appropriate for climbers with lots of skill and experience!

Climbing folder with detailed information

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