5630 Bad Hofgastein, AT
You can get creative in children's yoga! The classic yoga poses (Asanas) are brought to life with a story: then you row across the stormy sea in a boat (Navasana) or fly across the field as an eagle (Garudasana) and gaze into the distance. The most important thing is: HAVE FUN DOING IT!
Duration approx.: 1 h
Meeting point: Kongresscenter
Participants: min. 2 children
Miscellaneous: For children aged 3 and older. Small children must be accompanied by an adult.
Price with Gastein Card: free of charge, only possible with Gastein Card
Registration until Wednesday, 4 pm, information and registration:
Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Hofgastein, T. +43 6432 3393 260