Družinsko vzdušje, v prijetnem okolju z bazenom-avantura-- vse to vas pričekuje v prijetnem hotelu Rōmerhof. Sobe v katirih se boste prijetno počutili Vse sobe so opremljene v kmečkem stilu. V naših čudovitih jedilnicah boste poizkusili posebnosti naše kuhinje. Bazen-avantura Rōmerhof vabljeni vsi na relax in je rezervirano samo za goste hotela. Prečudoviti bazen-avantura nudi hidromasažo, kabino z infra rdečim žarki, jama z vonjem aromatičnih zelišč, solarij, finska sauna, biološka sauna, čajnica, vodomet z termalno vodo in lounge relax z kaminom. “TEMPEL MUZ” vas pričakuje v starih Romanskih Točilnicah. Zelo smo ponosni da vam lahko ponudimo program wellness z različnimi masažami eteričkih olj naših Alp. Naša maserka Eva bo selo
freie Benützung des Erlebnisbades,der Lagune, Dampfbad und Sauna
Massage gegen Gebühr
Verschiedene Buffets
Tischtennis- und Kinderspielraum
Mountainbikes und Fahrräder inkkl.
E-Bikes 30.- Tag
Garage pro Tag EUR 5.-
Hund (max. 1) EUR 12.-
Coming from/via Salzburg ca. 1 hour: A10 southwards to Bischofshofen, exit Gasteinertal, B167 to Dorfgastein. First exit there is an old tower and here we are the Römerhof Hotel. Coming from/via Innsbruck ca. 2 hours: A12 via Wörgl, B312 via St.Johann/Tirol to Lofer, B167 to Gastein Coming from the south via Villach, Möllbrücke and Obervellach to Mallnitz, take the train-ferry to Gastein.The trainferry commutes every hour (in Summer and peak travel days every 30 minutes) from Mallnitz to Böchstein in Gastein - Badgastein - Bad Hofgastein - Dorfgastein. The second exit (center) there is an old tower and here we are the Römerhof Hotel.
freie Benützung des Erlebnisbades,der Lagune, Dampfbad und Sauna
Massage gegen Gebühr
Verschiedene Buffets
Tischtennis- und Kinderspielraum
Mountainbikes und Fahrräder inkkl.
E-Bikes 30.- Tag
Garage pro Tag EUR 5.-
Hund (max. 1) EUR 12.-
Coming from/via Salzburg ca. 1 hour: A10 southwards to Bischofshofen, exit Gasteinertal, B167 to Dorfgastein. First exit there is an old tower and here we are the Römerhof Hotel. Coming from/via Innsbruck ca. 2 hours: A12 via Wörgl, B312 via St.Johann/Tirol to Lofer, B167 to Gastein Coming from the south via Villach, Möllbrücke and Obervellach to Mallnitz, take the train-ferry to Gastein.The trainferry commutes every hour (in Summer and peak travel days every 30 minutes) from Mallnitz to Böchstein in Gastein - Badgastein - Bad Hofgastein - Dorfgastein. The second exit (center) there is an old tower and here we are the Römerhof Hotel.
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